Walking in the park

Change management 본문

Notes & Clippings/Terms

Change management

TKang 2010. 3. 11. 14:24
Change management is a structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state. Change management (or change control) is the process during which the changes of a system are implemented in a controlled manner by following a pre-defined framework/model with, to some extent, reasonable modifications [1]. In project management, change management refers to a project management process where changes to a project are formally introduced and approved.[2]. The field of change management grew from the recognition that organizations are composed of people. And the behaviors of people make up the outputs of an organization.

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어떤 조직에서 새로운 시스템을 도입했을 때, 그에 따르는 전반적인 변화에 대한 관리, 계획을 수행하는 것
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